For the novice bone carver, it will be relevant to learn a simple recipe for a special polishing paste, which is not difficult to make with your own hands, using all the available ingredients available.
Bone polishing paste:
To make polishing paste for bone you need beeswax, turpentine (I did not add it to mine, but it is advisable to do it, as it gives viscosity) paraffin, tooth powder and a small iron jar.
First of all, a couple of words about the process of making paste. The main thing is to prepare all the ingredients in advance and strictly follow the described sequence of actions. The first thing you should do is to take a small iron can (I just cut a can for lighters) and pour there 2/3 of beeswax and 1/3 of paraffin. Then put it on a low heat and melt the wax and paraffin mixture until dissolved. The main thing is to make sure that the wax is not burning (if the mixture starts to smoke, it means that the flame is big and the wax is just burning), and that it does not boil – not desirable. Stir the mixture with an iron screwdriver, for example, and in order that the wax does not stick to the screwdriver, it must also be heated.
After the whole mixture of wax and paraffin has melted, you can safely add there tooth powder, you do not need to spare it, but it is necessary to stir the heated mixture carefully and make sure that it does not burn the mixture.

First, pour a spoonful of tooth powder, then stir well and add to it turpentine (ten drops for every 50 grams). Continue stirring the mixture, but have already removed it from the flame and add there the powder until you get the consistency of a thick porridge. After that, you need to let the mixture cool down, at the same time tapping lightly on the container so that all the air bubbles come out of the paste.

For convenience, you can stick the mixture on a stick and freeze in the freezer (such “popsicle” is convenient to apply to a rotating felt disc).

The mixture will help you polish any bone without yellowing or corroding it in the process.