Watering plants is vital for their normal growth and development. Even the simplest and cheapest watering can, left on the bed for a short time, will help to simplify this procedure. But when the plants are already quite tall, they can prevent the dispersion of water droplets, so the watering can be finalized, using improvised means and operational ingenuity. Take a simple tip, how you can quite simply and original to finalize the vegetable garden sprinkler.
How to maximize the droplet spread of a cheap vegetable garden sprinkler:
The first thing to consider when watering a vegetable garden is the water pressure. If you do not have enough pressure in the hose, then, all modifications about watering will be even, first make sure that you have no leaks and your pump is pumping as it should. By narrowing the thickness of the hose you can get a pretty good pressure (for example, insert a thin adapter into the hose).

As a rule, vegetable garden waterers are simply laid on the ground or stuck into it with a special stand (peg). However, many gardeners face the situation when the crop has grown up, and its leaves prevent the watering can from evenly watering the bed, especially clearly observed when watering bushes. Therefore, you have to wander around the bed in search of the highest and most convenient point for placing the watering can, or improvise.
In my opinion, a very good solution to the problem of watering tall plants is to build a portable tall stand.

It’s not difficult to make such a device out of anything you find on the street in the yard. Well, I just took a rebar, bent it in the letter G (thus making a convenient handle, and it can be easily driven into the ground and pulled out, carried), and then to the handle I taped a peg (a stand for watering can).

I sharpened the lower part of the armature and drove it into an iron platform (I still have it from a gas cylinder, from which I made a firebox). The platform is needed to keep the stand from falling to the ground, it can be made of anything.

In this way, you get an artificial elevation that will allow you to raise the sprinkler above the tops of the plants, and thus water them evenly with the sprinkler.

The height of the stand, as well as the material and shape you choose yourself, the main thing now do not forget to move it in time, and timely water the plants. Have a rich harvest:)