It is important for every fisherman or tourist to have not only reliable but also comfortable camping equipment. Especially helps various kinds of folding devices. There is a very original design sucker for catching fish, which is not inferior to expensive devices, it is convenient, lightweight and easy to use. And the main thing is that such a net for fish is quite realistic to make yourself.
Folding fishing net:
Going on a trip or fishing you have to fill your backpack with specific devices. Every fisherman strives to maximize the ease of his burden by laying out everything unnecessary. But there are indispensable things, without which it is extremely difficult to spend a pleasant time fishing, or camping. Therefore, I recommend that you build yourself a folding backpack for fish, I assure you, it is no worse than the usual in its fishing qualities, and at the same time it is very convenient to take with you on a fishing trip.
The device is simple, its construction is very simple, and the materials are quite accessible. You will need three iron rods, quite thick, that could withstand the pressure of the fish you catch. You also need a fishing net and a thick fishing line, which in principle, every fisherman has.

Almost anything will do as a holder, but it is advisable to take a thick aluminum plate, which should be fixed to the main handle with bolts or rivets.

After that you need to make two holes in the holder and attach two pre-curved ears to them. For hinges you can use bolts or nails, in short, it is important that the ears can be easily separated and brought back together. You will need a thick fishing line not only to keep the net from moving too wide, but also to wrap the fishing net in a circle.

The locking ring is necessary to prevent the ears from closing at the most inopportune moment, this element of construction should not be overlooked.

This kind of homemade device is quite convenient, easy to implement, and does not differ from the rest of the pods. It is a pleasure to fish with it, especially since the procedure is the same everywhere.

The ears do not have to be made of twigs, you can use steel tubes or whatever you have on hand. The handle itself can also be made folding, it all depends on your abilities and possibilities. Just before reproducing my variant of a fishing net, analyze carefully the proposed design. And let in your fishing arsenal, will add a convenient, lightweight and useful device for catching fish.