Disposal of garbage safe for the environment, one of the most pressing problems of modern problems. The solution of which will keep our environment clean and beautiful. We urge you to make every effort to conserve natural resources, but at the same time we give you a simple tip on how you can quickly burn your garbage.
An urn for burning garbage:
Hopefully, in the near future, they will find a waste-free and environmentally friendly technology for utilizing household garbage. But until they do, those who live in the private sector, in dachas or near wastelands simply take and burn garbage. Yes, it burns, yes, it stinks – but where to go? 🙁 However, especially in the fall, it can be quite difficult to burn wet garbage, and it is not always fire-safe.
There is a rather simple and very convenient device – a homemade trash garbage can for burning garbage, in which it burns much faster and better. The essence is that would get air injection in an improvised barrel-stove due to the thrust obtained by the temperature difference.
To make such an urn for burning garbage is quite simple from an old iron barrel or bucket, bidon or whatever you have.
First you need to drill a lot of holes in the bottom of the barrel (urn), such a “colander” you will also be relevant after it rains, the water will not stagnate with the garbage, and it will dry faster.

It is also desirable to make the same holes on the side and on the side underneath – also for air injection.

It is also necessary to raise the barrel above the ground, put it on cinder blocks, bricks or, preferably, attach iron legs.

I simply screwed rusty iron corners to the base of the barrel with nuts and bolts. It is also desirable to attach handles, I had them welded to the top of the barrel.

As a matter of fact, here is the whole construction, a barrel with perforations, legs and handles.

It is very easy to use and there are no special tricks. You just put it in the yard, throw there combustible garbage (plastic bottles, newspapers, rubber bags, shoes), but do not throw there food waste – it is desirable to bury them, as they decompose and then turn into an excellent fertilizer.
After the garbage can is full of garbage, take the handles, carry it away from the house and set it on fire. When setting fire to garbage, be vigilant and follow all fire safety rules. Keep in mind, the flames are high and the temperature inside the barrel is very high. Thanks to the air injection through the holes, you get a full-fledged stove, which can be used to cremate garbage even in high humidity, wind and light rain, the main thing is to heat it up.
The main thing to remember is that household waste, when burned, emits toxic substances and pollutes the environment. Take care of the planet!