Every radio amateur faces the problem of not having the necessary amount of radio parts to store. And it can be quite expensive to buy special cassette holders. And at such moments comes to the aid of operational ingenuity, imagination, ingenuity and our site. Convenient cassette for radio parts can be made of any improvised means including ordinary plastic bottles from which the speech will go.
A cossette made from plastic bottles:
In the past, I also often threw away plastic bottles, and without thinking about their recycling and ecology. But if you are a radio amateur, or are engaged in handicrafts, fishing, and you need a lot of cells for storing small parts such as SMD elements, nuts, balls, beads, hooks, then this problem can be quickly and easily solved by creating a homemade cossette from the neck of a plastic bottle.

You’ll need lots of plastic bottle necks and a flat plate (wood, plastic, metal) of any material for your cassette.

First you need to cut off the neck of a plastic bottle, to the level of the protruding ring, clean it and make a little rough the ring itself (the place which is then simply glued to a flat plate).

Then you only need to apply superglue to the bottom of the protruding ring of the cut off neck and glue it to a flat plate (it is desirable to rub the plate with emery cloth for better adhesion of the glue).

Now you can stick yourself with lots of these cassette holders and boldly stuff your small parts into them.

For larger radio parts or microcircuits, you can use the neck from a five-liter tank or wide juice bottles.
Waterproof matchbox made from a plastic bottle:
As you guessed from the name, that on the same principle you can do not only cassettes for radio parts but also many other things. For example, a waterproof box for matches.

By gluing two plastic bottle necks together with the same superglue you get a reliable waterproof box for matches or a separate cassette for small parts.

So don’t be in a hurry to throw away the plastic bottles because the cassette is not the only thing you can do.