As soon as you find out what a handgum is, everyone tries it. Handgum is a kind of a sticky-hard gum, but for hands, like reusable rubber plasticine. Anyone can try to make hendgam, using available tools, sold at the nearest drugstore and hardware store. But first, read in our article how to mix handgum at home.
A simple recipe for handgam:
Hendgum is a sticky substance similar to gum or plasticine. Hendgum stretches like rubber, but at the same time it is liquid, can drip and at the same time can bounce, tear – it can even be inflated.

In order to make handgam you will need: sodium tetraborate, PVA glue and dye (green, ballpoint pen ink, gouache, etc.).
Sodium tetraborate is an antiseptic that you can buy at your local pharmacy. Sodium tetraborate is available without a prescription and is relatively inexpensive. I recommend using a solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin 20% – due to the glycerin it does not stick to your hands.
PVA glue, probably, does not require special discussion, because PVA is known even to children, for handgam I recommend you to use ordinary white PVA glue.
You can choose any color of dye for handgum, the most common variant of dye is ordinary green, although, I would just pour, ink from a ballpoint pen, or paint like gouache.
The sequence of making HendGam:
Take any container (a cut plastic bottle will do) and pour in PVA glue, then add the dye and mix thoroughly, giving the glue a homogeneous color. The next thing you have to do is to add sodium tetraborate to the resulting mixture.
NOTE: After you add the tetraborate, the mixture begins to thicken quickly; you choose your own proportions, so be prepared for a wide variety of hendgam consistencies. When the mixture is thick enough, I recommend that you place it in a cellophane sleeve and start stirring it by hand (crushing the mixture in the sleeve) until it is of a good consistency (thick).

Do not immediately stir your handgum with your hands (wear at least rubber gloves), because at first it can stick strongly.

CAUTION: Homemade handgum (as well as purchased handgum) is not edible, so do not even taste it, and do not let young children play with it unsupervised.
“Also, homemade handgum dries up over time – but you can soak it in water and it becomes sticky again.”
Magnetic Handgum:
Magnetic Handgum differs from ordinary Handgum in its properties only in the fact that it attracts iron.

The first step to make a magnetic handgum with your own hands is probably quite difficult, but you can experiment, as in the case of the magnetic liquid to add to the composition of PVA fine magnetic particles – the rest is a matter of physics and chemistry.
P.S.: I tried to illustrate and describe not tricky tips. I hope, that at least something will be useful to you. But it is far from all that is possible to invent, so go ahead and read the site