If you want to try your hand at drawing and calligraphy and you want to feel like a real master. Our article will tell you how to make Chinese ink at home quickly and easily from the materials at hand. Here are a few uncomplicated recipes for Chinese mascara which you will be able to reproduce at home.
Chinese mascara:
Very beautiful and colourful paintings can also be done at home using ordinary ink, but for a more aesthetic and spiritual peace of mind, you should use real ink for a real masterpiece Figure 1.

As a rule, the real Chinese ink for calligraphy is made of soot, coal or resin from different kinds of wood, and glue. Of course, depending on what ingredients are available to you, you will be guided in making your own ink.
Chinese carcass recipe number one:
To make your own Chinese mascara, you will need charcoal. To make a special black charcoal, you need to take a lot of apricot kernels, then smash them, take out and throw out the kernels. You should wrap apricot kernels in cabbage leaf(s) and wrap them with thin iron wire. Then this bundle has to be burned in the oven.
The burned shells will turn into charcoal and should be ground in a mortar (grinded with a chimney) and sifted through a sieve to make a fine powder.
Mix the powder with gum water (it should be very thick) and again grind it with a mortar. The resulting dough should be placed in molds, rubbed with white wax, so that the ink does not stick to them.
It may smell unpleasant due to the presence of musk in the gum water, if musk is not available, you can add cascarilla essence, or vysokoholic essence to the mascara.
Chinese carcass recipe number 2:
You should put some soot in a clay pot and put it on the fire without covering it. When the fire heats the soot, it will heat up and begin to smoke and cause sparks. This is necessary so that the soot is cleared from the oily particles. When this has happened, remove the soot from the fire and let it cool down. OBSERVE THE FIRE SAFETY RULES.
After that you need to pour out the soot, grind it with a chimney and add a little bit of gum water, and again turn the mixture into a dough and pour it into waxed forms.
P.S.: I have tried to illustrate and describe the tips. I hope that some of them will be useful to you. But it’s not all you can think of, so go ahead and check out https://bip-mip.com/.