Hard soldering

The beginner will find information about hard soldering, its uses and methods very useful. Hard, or strong soldering, is used where it is necessary to firmly connect refractory metals (iron, steel, copper, brass, silver, gold, etc.), is made with the help of hard or refractory solder. Tools and fixtures for hard soldering: The essence of …

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A nugget of solder

As many may have already assumed from the name, in native metal soldering, the process of fusing parts together is accomplished without solder, or without the use of another, more easily melted metal. It occurs either by fusing the molten ends and edges of the parts to be soldered, or by using molten pieces of …

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Types of wood

Trees not only provide us with oxygen, tasty fruits and an escape from the baking sun in the hot season, but also an excellent building material. Every person should protect and preserve the living nature (sometimes even from himself) and rationally use wood material. In order to make a quality wooden product, it is necessary …

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Capacitor capacitance meter schematic

This article presents an elementary circuit of a capacitance meter on a logic chip. Such a classic and elementary circuit solution can be reproduced quickly and easily enough. Therefore, this article will be useful for a beginner amateur radio operator who wants to build an elementary capacitor capacitance meter. Operation of a capacitance meter circuit: …

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Effects of electric current on the human body

Electric current passing through the human body can cause two types of injuries – electric shock and electric trauma. Electric shock is more dangerous because it affects the entire body. Death occurs from paralysis of the heart or respiration, or sometimes from both at the same time. Electrical Injuries: Electric traumas are defined as electrocution …

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Capacitor capacitance conversion

Every radio amateur should at least a little, but understand the marking of certain radio electronic components. Of course, for this purpose there are many different reference books, in which such information is presented in sufficient volume. This article contains data on the code marking of capacitors and summary tables of capacitance conversion. In order …

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Oscilloscope review

Probably many of the readers of this article know such a common, versatile device as an oscilloscope, which is used for observing digital and analog signals. This article is useful for beginners or inexperienced radio amateurs who are just thinking about buying an oscilloscope. The following information is informative, but may help beginners in choosing …

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