Improvised liquid dispenser with your own hands, instructions for manufacturing

When making amateur radio designs, circuit boards and other amateur radio stuff, as a rule, many people use various kinds of chemicals. Starting from simple pine rosin, solder grease, flux, solder paste and ending with special acids. Despite the variety of cans in which all this chemistry is sold, there are some difficulties with the …

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Modification of style for the tester

Even novice radio amateurs know that it is impossible to set up an electronic circuit without making at least rudimentary measurements. For such purposes, various measuring instruments are used, ranging from a simple voltmeter, ammeter, ohmmeter, frequency meter to an oscilloscope. Multimeter and feeler gauges: The most common measuring device used by radio amateurs is …

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Cutter fabrication

Sooner or later every homemaker faces the fact that it is necessary to cut a piece of flat sheet material (it does not matter what kind). This task can be solved quickly and easily with the help of a homemade cutter. Cutter Advantage: Of course, you can just flatten the sheet material with a hacksaw …

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Soldering general rules

Soldering (soldering) is an operation by means of which a more or less strong connection of separate pieces of the same metal or two or more different metals between themselves is made. Three kinds of soldering: There are three types of solder: soft, or weak, hard, or strong, and nugget. In the first two cases, …

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Soft soldering

Soft or weak soldering is: soldering with soft or weak, i.e. fusible, solder consisting either of pure tin or of alloys of this metal with lead and bismuth. You can read about the types of soft solders and their use in our article. Solders: Here are a few of the most used soft solders: A) …

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