If you love music, you love music speakers, the golden rule of any music lover. Everyone is his own director, the choice of quality speakers is a responsible and difficult thing. But as you understand, music speakers are part of the interior, and therefore it is not enough to ensure the quality of sound, you must also give a proper look to your favorite speakers. We recommend you a simple tip for modding portable speakers.
Wire compartment in portable speakers:
Having made a neat cabinet for a powerful speaker, or having bought already ready portable music speakers, sometimes there is a problem where to hide the wires.

It is not convenient to carry a lot of wires with you, and besides, they can be forgotten somewhere. You can put the wires from the music speakers in a separate bag, but it does not always save you. There is a very simple way out of the situation. As a rule, there is a lot of free space in the case of speakers. So you can safely and optimally use it. I recommend you to do the following: create a niche in the case of your music speaker for the wire (connect it naturally), and cover the whole thing with leather (or fabric) with a snake.

Using such a wire pocket will make your life easier, while not spoiling the overall style and look of your portable music speaker.
Using these music speakers with a special wire pocket is a pleasure. Just fold the wire neatly and hide it by simply catching the snake.

Lots of tricks and useful tips, not only for modding speakers or anything else await you at https://bip-mip.com.