To create a pleasant atmosphere or just surprise someone with an original gift can everyone who wants, you just need to show ingenuity, resourcefulness to use useful ideas and be able to use improvised means. Here you will learn how to make a luminous flower with your own hands using disposable tablespoons and ordinary LEDs.
Assembly sequence of the luminous flower:
As you may have already guessed the idea of a glowing flower is quite simple. You will need a number of disposable plastic spoons, a lighter, a glue gun, a battery, a button and a few different colored LEDs (you choose the number and color).
By holding a plastic spoon lightly and briefly over a lit lighter, it can be deformed to form a petal for your artificial flower. The main thing is to make sure that the spoon does not melt or catch fire, observing all safety rules.

Having made thus plastic petals you need to take any suitable box that to put there batteries and a button.
I made the body from textolite and the neck of a plastic bottle, then painted everything black, I hope you will be more original:)

After that I did this: Using a glue gun (or glue stick from a glue gun) I glued petal to petal and put super bright LEDs in between.

When the flower was formed (and the glue had completely cooled). I connected the LEDs to the button and battery that are hidden in the housing (I recommend using a flower pot as a housing for the glowing flower).

In the daylight looks so not very much, but it is worth turning off the light as you can contemplate a picture of extraordinary, mesmerizing beauty.

I hope our version of glowing flower will fill your home with good mood, like many ideas from our groovy website)))